over This hat cost over £5. 这顶帽子花了五镑多。 over all 从这头到那头;〔废语〕到处,处处。 over and above 远远超过…以上;加之。 over my dead body 〔美俚〕只要我不死就不会同意。 over the air 通过无线电。 over the bay 〔美俚〕喝醉的。 over the hill 【航海】在大西洋的那一边,越过水平线。 over the hump 〔美俚〕大半已完;已过难关。 over the top 过份,过度地。 adv. 1.在上,在高处;从上向下;突出,倚靠;越过。 jump over 跳过。 climb over 爬过。 2.在那边,向那边,(越过马路、河、海等)到那边,从一处到另一处。 Take this over to the station. 把这个拿到那边车站去。 He is over in Cuba. 他已在古巴。 Our friends were over yesterday. 我们的朋友们昨天来过了。 I asked him over. 我请过他来的。 When are you coming over to see us again 你什么时候再来看我们呢? 3. 遍,多次。 brush it over 刷干净。 paint it over 涂遍。 4.倒,颠倒;翻,翻转;倒过来;〔美国〕请看反面(= P.T.O.)。 fall over 向前摔倒。 knock a vase over 碰倒花瓶。 roll over 滚动。 The milk boiled over. 牛奶煮得溢出来了。 5.太,过度,过于;而且;更,另外,剩余;…多,…余。 He is over anxious. 他太焦急了。 I do not feel over well. 我感到身体不太舒服。 a yard and over 一码多。 give sb. something over 另外多给某人一些东西。 I paid my bill and have several pounds over. 我付了账还剩了好几镑。 Five goes into seven once with two over. 5除7得1剩2。 6.〔用作表语[述语]〕完了,结束了;过去了;关系断绝。 The war will soon be over. 战争不久就要结束了。 The good old times are over. 好日子已经过去了。 7.再,重行,重复地。 Try it over (again). 再试试看。 ★over 后加用 again 时主为〔英国〕。 count [read] over again 再数[读]。 Do that three times over. 把那重复做三遍。 8.未解决,未了结。 The matter is left over. 那件事还没有解决。 That can stand over. 那件事可以暂时搁着不管。 9.【板球】改变掷球方向〔裁判员的命令〕。 (be) all over (with) (某人)完全完了(It's all over with me. 我全完啦)。 over again 再来一次,再做一遍,反复。 over against 对着,面对着,对照着。 over and above 除…以外,外加。 over and over 转来转去;〔主美〕反反复复,再三再四。 over-and-over addition 逐次加法。 over and over again 〔英国〕三番五次,再三再四。 over here 在这边,在这里。 over there 在那边,在那里;〔美国〕在欧洲;〔大战用语〕在战地。 over with 〔美口〕(做)完(get something over with 做完某事;〔英国〕 get something over (and done with))。 n. 1.【板球】彼此由三柱门交互连续所投之球〔通常是6球〕;连续投球比赛。 2.剩余,余额。 3.【军事】远弹〔超过目标落下或爆炸的射弹〕。 adj. 1.在上的,表层的人。 2.完了的。 3.剩余的。 vt. 跳过(=leap over),走过(=go over)。 over-the-counter market 证券交易所之外的股票买卖。
Over the centuries this has produced a sort of stoicism . 几个世纪以来,这种经历产生了一种坚忍自制的精神。
Actually eating habits can vary a good deal over the centuries . 实际上,饮食习惯在几个世纪内可以发生很大变化。
Ordinary people such as you and i have wrestled with these puzzles over the centuries . 你我这样的普通人,多少年来都为这些难题伤脑筋。
The steps have been ground away by the passing feet of many visitors over the centuries . 这些台阶被几百年来众多参观者的过往脚步磨坏了。
Over the centuries man has developed drugs that could cure or alleviate illness and suffering . 许多世纪以来,人类发明了可以治愈或减轻疾病与痛苦的药物。
Some insight into the body of knowledge that has been acquired over the centuries should be conveyed by a survey of physics . 要对几世纪以来所获得的知识的实质有所领会,就必须对物理进行一番巡礼。
American english has changed over the centuries , too 几个世纪以来,美国英语也起了变化。
Over the centuries , they were dispersed by wars , 几百年来因战乱流失
Choosing world wonders has been a continuing fascination over the centuries 几个世纪以来,评选世界奇迹一直为人们所着迷。
Over the centuries copenhagen has suffered more than its share of disasters 在几个世纪里,哥本哈根已经遭受了太多的灾难。